Music for theatre
Stories of the people from Hasselt. They make their voices heard and they experience the power of who they are.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

A performance about family. What does family mean to me and how do I behave within my family."
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

A special journey through an extraordinary world with kings and princesses.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

IK NOEM JOU is a strong telling of the history of the twentieth century. Theater maker Marit Stocker describes the life of her Jewish grandparent, the Israels family, including the painters Josef and Isaac Israëls.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

In these strange, greedy, evil, selfish times. Imagine. We have a procession of vulnerable people. One by one they offer the world a gift. Something they are convinced will make the world a better place.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

GLORIOUS BODIES is a physical, moving and hopeful circus and dance performance about the carrying capacity of our body, about seeing and being seen, about the border between classical and contemporary circus with six acrobats between the ages of 53 and 67 with a past in more classical circus. Circus history archived in the body.
Composing music by Kris Auwers

She gradually forgets when it is monday or friday. She looks through the crackled glass of the chest in her bedroom and sees a 17 year old girl. A girl who is in love and wants to dance through her dreams.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

ONDERSTEBOVEN is about thoughts in your head. Wandering, searching, fleeting, dark and light thoughts. How do you deal with that? How do you react as an outsider when you experience those thoughts in someone?
Composing music by Kris Auwers

Grijze tuinen
GRIJZE TUINEN is based on the documentary “Grey Gardens” in which a mother and daughter become increasingly isolated and lonely over the years. The daughter also appears to be scarred by the trauma of a failed showbiz career - thwarted by the mother. They design their own clothes, muse about unrequited love and taunt each other about the past and present.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

Volle maan
In VOLLE MAAN, theater makers Mieke Laureys and Annelore Stubbe work together with our HARTENSPELERS, young and old from all corners of the world, and are inspired by their stories, traditions and rituals. And they look for what connects people.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

De knikkers van Qadir
Five years ago, Qadir Nadery was traveling for three months with his children, who were only two and four years old at the time. Over the mountains and over the sea. Extremely dangerous, without knowing what the next minute would bring them.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

De Laatste vlinder
If you had to flee from violence, where would you go?
If reality is at the front door, can you leave through the back door?
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers

Internationally acclaimed children's author Jan De Kinder collaborates with top actor Stefaan Degand and director Stefan Perceval on an organic story about bullying.
Composing music and live performance by Kris Auwers